Commercial Insurance Brokerage • Risk Management
Employee Benefits • Personal Insurance Lines
Let’s Go… Together.
“For me, it’s not just insurance, it’s a team aiming for betterment of the whole business community.”
-Matt Skarin
So, why should you look into the Skarin Agency?
The Skarin Agency, with the backing of Missouri General Insurance, is a vast resource when it comes to helping business owners fuel and fund their dreams of entrepreneurship by developing and implementing strategic insurance / risk management programs. It’s our goal to build innovative plans that help propel companies like yours forward, instead of dreading the insurance experience.
Our team at the Skarin Agency makes the insurance shopping process an enjoyable one by doing all the homework necessary to save employers money, providing better protections and putting owners in a better position to achieve their goals and beyond. But owner Matt Skarin then takes his work a step further by recognizing opportunities and connecting these partner companies to each other. Matt believes that by promoting positive change he can help to inspire other business owners and leaders to be part of that change as well. By building a culture of empowerment throughout our internal team as well as these broader networks, he’s working to promote positive change throughout the entire community.
And while Matt’s specialty is helping corporations with their business insurance, the team of diverse specialties at our partner company, Missouri General, is adept at establishing benefit packages for companies as well as helping individuals with personal insurance lines.
In the end, with the Skarin Agency you aren’t just getting innovative insurance options for your business or personal lines. You’re getting a genuine, caring team that understands the value of networking companies together to put you in a position to achieve your goals and beyond.